Tuesday, November 3, 2009

::out of town::

I am currently procrastinating packing for my trip- i leave town at 10 am tomorrow morning and not one single thing has been folded, packed, crossed off my list, and the last minute target run has been postponed until morning... its going to be an early Wednesday morning around here. {its always early for kcrawf :)}  In my defense, I have not packed because I have no idea what to take to new york for the fall. I have meetings on Thursday, its supposed to rain :(. For those of you who aren't familiar with new york rain, its terrible. {I am certain that it actually rains sideways causing any umbrella to turn inside out, along with turning your choice of footwear into water shoes = not fun at all for interviews}. And then I am also having trouble deciding what forty degrees means in regards to outerwear.  In Texas, it would mean uggs, scarf, heaviest jacket owned, and possibly gloves? I'm not sure that it means that in nyc. And don't worry friends, my uggs are not making the interview trip... maybe next time? To wrap up this meaningless post, I would love your prayers for this trip. I am meeting with a lot of people about everything in regard to my future life in new york. Back in Texas on Sunday, crossing my fingers for some big news! {I would absolutely love it if you would cross yours too? Thanks!} 

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