Friday, March 12, 2010

new york for dinner

I spent this past monday and tuesday in the air with JetBlue Airways and if you have never flown JetBlue... you should. It is the best airline: endless snacks, roomie seats, and personal television the ENTIRE flight. It was flying bliss, which was such a treat since I was in the air on Monday and Tuesday. I flew to close the doors on nyc and enjoy dinner with youngk. We had a total 14 hours together which included 7 hours of sleep = crazy trip for me. I returned with two packed suitcases, closure on the empire state, and my mac back :) I have missed this computer and so has my blog.

I love her. and will miss her so much.


  1. Oh hello! What a beautiful blog you have here! Thanks for the heads up on the airline. I can't stand rubbish service on planes.

    Looks like you had a fab time. You've got such a pretty blog, and a new follower :)

    Have a great week xoxo

  2. thank you so much! and you will LOVE jetblue :)
