Tuesday, December 29, 2009

2 weeks...

thats right people... in two weeks i will be 
moving to the concrete jungle 
{where i pray dreams are made of}.

i just bought my ticket for January 13th. 
And let me tell you, that little ticket induced
many nerves and a few thoughts of "am i crazy?"

i guess we will just see what happens...

Monday, December 28, 2009

perspectives on time

"How strange that we cannot love time. It spoils our loveliest moments. Nothing quite comes up to expectations because of it. We alone: animals, so far as we can see, are unaware of time, untroubled. Time is their natural environment. Why do we sense that it is not ours? C. S. Lewis…asked how it was that I, as a product of a materialistic universe, was not at home there. "Do fish complain of the sea for being wet? Or if they did, would that fact itself not strongly suggest that they had not always been, or would not always be, purely aquatic creatures?" Then, if we complain of time and take such joy in the seemingly timeless moment, what does that suggest? It suggests that we have not always been or will not always be purely temporal creatures. It suggest that we were created for eternity. Not only are we harried by time, we seem unable, despite a thousand generations, even to get used to it. We are always amazed at it – how fast it goes, how slowly it goes, how much of it is gone. Where, we cry, has the time gone? We aren't adapted to it, not at home in it. If that is so, it may appear as a proof, or at least a powerful suggestion, that eternity exists and is our home."
-from a severe mercy.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

merry christmas eve

Silent night, holy night!
Shepherds quake at the sight
Glories stream from heaven afar
Heavenly hosts sing Alleluia!
Christ, the Saviour is born
Christ, the Saviour is born

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

home for the holidays

christmas at my house!

Monday, December 21, 2009


after looking at my graduation pics...
i have decided that we need photography 
lessons at the my household.
{every single pic is looking directly into the sun}
every. single. one. 

farewell texas a&m.
take care of that one of my left :)

*plus i am loving my new car decal & 
being a former student. whoop.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

hope & desire

This was posted yesterday on JR Vasser's personal blog.
He is the pastor at Apostles NYC.  I was extremely encouraged 
by his words.  I hope you will be too...

::via here::

Monday, December 14, 2009

why hello there christmas break...

i took my last final this afternoon... its a strange feeling. i am still scared that something crazy is going to happen but- at least i am done for now. katie and i started packing today, its a bizarre and frightening feeling to know that life is pretty much about to change and i mean REALLY change. as i was packing tonight, i got really sad... i miss old college life. i miss my friends. i miss the 'carefree days."  i miss ayrshire and our giant christmas tree... i miss knowing that i was leaving for christmas and coming back for spring in college station. i miss you guys. {and now i am crying...}

i think all of these feelings are also stemming from the new york move. its here. its happening. and i am already cold just thinking about it. once christmas is celebrated and new years (by the way, i have big dreams this year for nye) i will finalize my departure date but i am thinking january 12-15. one month from tomorrow- scary? yes and fun.  "the big girl days" are here.  i am now officially on the job hunt 24 hours a day. 7 days a week.  lets do this...

Saturday, December 12, 2009

gold + silver

i just got off the phone with my mom... my sweet mom who is waiting 
for me to come home before she decorates for Christmas. i love
Christmas decorations... i do not love finals. I DO NOT love finance. 
these sparkly decorations are so pretty and fun :)
all images via countryliving.

twelve days of christmas!

on the first day of Christmas
my true love gave to me:
a partridge in a pear tree.

via michellenstamps on etsy.

via sloe gin fizz on etsy.

I love these Christmas cards! Its only 12 days away! 

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

study, study, study.

let the studying begin...
it is officially the last time i will study for finals.
i promise that grad school is not in the future for me.
i having nothing against it, but I AM DONE. i feel that
it is only fitting that my hardest final ever might
be on monday- my last college test ever.

ps- good wishes are greatly appreciated on monday.
well, here i go- off to study world...

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

::perfect holiday shoes::

cute holiday shoes from kate spade!
{and for once, there are no sparkles}
these make me think of you and you.

Monday, December 7, 2009

A+ in stressing.

Lately, I have been a big worrier... everything regarding graduation makes me worry, stress, and think of the worst possible things that could happen.  For some reason, I am even terrified that I may not even graduate.  {I just have this feeling that I will get there next Saturday and they will say, "Sorry, you aren't on the list."} I know that this is absolutely ridiculous and crazy... but I am still worried.  

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."   Matthew 11:28-30

Thursday, December 3, 2009


I kind of want to be her today. 
And yes, I understand that this is shallow
and pointless... I am way too into sparkles.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


25 days until Christmas! 

via potterybarn

december 1. 1960

taken when i was 11 years old, field day.

today is my moms last "young" birthday...
she hits the big number next year, but dont tell her i told you.

This picture is very appropriate for my moms day of birth celebration because it was at an athletic event. You see, I was not much of the "athlete" daughter... I took dance 4 nights a week my entire childhood. There is one time that I will forever remember, it was in the eighth grade. And I was on the track team- yes, I ran track... for two whole years. {athletics were a different story in HS}  Anyways, I was a 300 meter hurdler and a one mile relay team member.  Our 8th grade track schedule was terrible, I think it rained every. single. track meet that year.  Except the last one, at home, in Dragon Stadium.  And let me just preface by saying that this is East Texas competition, girls are big and fast and a whole lot more athletic looking than me.  I was a cheerleader, a scrawny, skinny, awkward cheerleader with frizzy blonde hair.  So the race begins, and I am kind of dominating. I get back around to my moms side of the stadium and she is possibly the proudest I have ever seen her. And she is jumping on the sideline, jumping and screaming and doing her sports yelling thing. I finish the race in first place- I actually won the entire meet.  I beat every other girl in hurdles? Its still shocking to me... 8 years later and I still kind of cant believe it. Its my only "athletic" claim to fame ever- I really hope my children get my husbands sporty genes? Or I hope he is sporty? who knows...  or my moms?  Anyways, happy birthday mom!

I love sports because of you. and chocolate cake.