Friday, January 29, 2010

i love patty g

its been one of those weeks...
i think i became a grown up this week.

i am not kidding. i am pretty sure that somehow 
between last friday and today... i became a grown up.
it probably has something to do with working a 10 -7
 job in new york city at a massive ad agency...
 and seeing a friend go through an extremely 
  scary time with her dad.  i love you kb.

so... this cd has been a bit of a saving grace.
(recommended by my favorite music lover, kb
i do not like to feel helpless and yesterday when 
i received a phone call about one of my best friend's
dad having a heart attack- i felt helpless. 
nyc couldnt have felt farther away...

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


and anthropologie does it again.
 i just love them... and the 1950s, too.


"There are roughly 3 New Yorks. There is, first, the New York of the man or woman who was born there, who takes the city for granted and accepts its size, it's turbulence as natural and inevitable. Second, there is the New York of the communter - the city that is devoured by locusts each day and out each night. Third, there is the New York of the person who was born somewhere else and came to New York in quest of something...Commuters give the city its tidal restlessness, natives give it solidity and coninuity, but the settlers give it PASSION."
~E.B. White "Here is New York

*i apologize for all of the new york posts lately... i am kind of obsessed with my new home. here is to two weeks in the big apple! [and many more to come]

Monday, January 25, 2010

rain in ny = death.

let me just tell you that rain in
new york is not a lovely thing.
it is in fact the opposite.

umbrellas dont make it here. they die.
subways become disgusting and people
are drenched. i thought it rained sideways
in college station... i stand corrected.

*summer hurry the heck up.

we were babies. summer 2k8

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

snail mail

"life is either a great adventure or nothing."  
Yesterday I realized that I am not leaving New York. This is my new home... I have been told that I will feel like I am on vacation for a year- I believe it.  So as I was roaming the city feeling like I would never find a job, apt or have a life here... I checked the mail.  I had letters... lots of letters from best friends.  They were each filled with pieces of my friends and home and prayers and wishes.  Thank you friends. YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST. The above quote was the cover of one of my little letters... it is by HKeller. 


hello little friends.
i just want to warn you that i am about to ramble and probably have quite a few run on sentences... i am currently drinking my third cup of coffee for the day. {I have come to the conclusion that coffee is the source of finding a job.} I would also like to add that I have successfully ONLY HAD ONE COKE IN THE LAST WEEK.  Hello new years resolution and living in new york on a budget.  I am still so proud of this... 

Today I have been in the city for one week... talk about a quick week.  The time has flown by so fast already.  I have an interview tomorrow afternoon at 130 and another one next wednesday at 130.  I am crossing my fingers that I find something soon because the apartment hunt is about to be in full swing. YAY. I now have an immense amount of respect for anyone that is currently employed.  I think that my resume has been sent to about 50 people in this city...  please come soon job!  

In other news, the weather is not so bad. It gets windy and cold but the sun has been shining beautifully for the past few days.  I didnt even have to wear a coat on Monday. Praise the Lord for sunshine.  And if you would like to come visit anytime soon... we will go to my new favorite place in the city. The highline is a new park that was constructed on an old highline subway track. Its gorgeous. And sunny. 

Friday, January 15, 2010

this little concrete jungle.

Hello Friends! I am officially here in my "new home"... and guess what?! I AM LOVING IT. It has been such a wonderful 2.5 days already and I am feeling more reassured every day that this is exactly where I am supposed to be... So I thought I would give you a little rundown of what my life has looked like this week. It has been quite the big girl week for me.  After crying for the good majority of Tuesday evening, I flew out on Wednesday at noon for what proved to be an EPIC little airplane adventure.  I not only saw Houston and New York but also Chicago and Cleveland... it was a long day.  Wednesday evening concluded with Katie getting me at the airport and sushi in Williamsburg.  It was a great first evening and it was chilly.  These past two days have mainly been filled with sending my resume to everyone and anyone that I can think of... even a lady that I met on the airplane.  Yes, I ended up sitting next to a recruiter on my flight. Fingers crossed that a job comes my way soon! 

I have made a two week job deadline for myself.  I am determined to be employed by February.  I am also getting some insight into the FADER world.  I came to work with Katie today to stay busy and job hunt.  It has been very insightful and I have loved the marketing department here as well.  In other news, I cannot wait to catch up with people this weekend and see my other nyc friends.  I have gotten many "welcome home" texts and "glad to be your neighbor again" messages from sweet little new yorkers! I am so excited to be here.  Cannot wait for things to really get lined up.

Love you guys. Thanks for the prayers. 

Thursday, January 7, 2010

new year. new calendar

via etsy.


I am hesitant to make resolutions for myself.  I cant remember ever sticking to any of them... but then again, I havent ever written them down for the world to read. So I have compiled a list of things that I would really like to change. Most of them are things that I have been meaning to work on for the past year or two or longer... So here we go-  I want to warn you that most of these things are not lofty or heavy on my heart. They are simply things that I would like to do better, but dont get me wrong- some of them will be very difficult*.

1. Lessen my coke intake {meaning the soft drink}. I am not going to say give them up but that would be the ideal end goal.
2. Learn to workout. I simply do not know how to run/jog. I bought the stretchy pants but they have not helped.
3. Write more hand written letters to my friends and family. Name one person that does not love snail mail? 
4. Get over facebook already. Its shameful. Not acceptable. 
5. Make my own coffee and hence save four dollars a day.  I have a ridiculous affair going on with starbucks and vanilla lattes. Or maybe its with caffeine in general? I love tea too. 
6. Visit the touristy places in NY. why not? 

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


who doesnt love her?

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

a million miles in a thousand years

"I think this is when most people give up on their stories. They come out of college wanting to change the world, wanting to get married, wanting to have kids and change the way people buy office supplies. But they get into the middle and discover it was harder than they thought and they can’t see the distant shore anymore and they wonder if their paddling is moving them forward. None of the trees behind them are getting smaller and none of the trees ahead are getting bigger. They take it out on their wife, on their husband, they go looking for an easier story.
Robert McKee put his coffee cup down and leaned onto the podium. He put his hand on his forehead and wiped his grey hair back. He said you have to go there, you know. You have to take your character to the place where they just can’t take it anymore. He looked at us with a tenderness we hadn’t seen in him before. You’ve been there, haven’t you? You’ve been out on the ledge. The marriage is over now, the dream is over now, nothing good can come from this. He got louder.Writing a story isn’t about making your peaceful fantasies come true.The whole point of the story is the character arc. You didn’t think joy could change a person, did you? Joy is what you feel when the conflict is over. But it’s conflict that changes a person. He was shouting now. You put your characters through hell. You put them through hell. That’s the only way we change. "
**  A Million Miles in a Thousand Years by Donald Miller.

two thousand & ten

this past week, i spent about 5 days in dallas with most of my
best friends... i have decided to call it my "tour de tejas"
since the main point of it was to say my goodbyes...

we ventured to victory park in freezing temperatures,
survived some creepers looking for a NYE kiss
and spent a lot of time with the karaoke machine.

friends- i love you. happy 2010!

Monday, January 4, 2010

one year down...

my little blog and myself have officially made it to ONE YEAR.
i cant believe that i have been rambling for over a year now.
some days i hate this thing- i think about deleting it.
and some days i love it... so for now, i will keep on going...

heres to 2010- may you be a little more eventful...